I have seen an ancient path, an ancient trail, traveled by the rightly enlightened ones of the past. Following it, I traveled and explored the blissful, fruitful, and widespread path.

– Buddha
Buddha, a Szkíta Bölcs / Szkíta-kusán művészet
Buddha, the Scythian Sage

The non-dogmatic Inner Path tradition can be traced back in a broader sense to a very distant past – a time so ancient that we can’t express it in years or numbers. For example, Tönpa Shenrab Buddha, who lived and taught in Central Asia 19,000 years ago, is part of this tradition, which is still alive today in Tibet and is known as Bön. However, there is a closer lineage that begins with the Enlightened One, the Buddha, who was a Scythian prince and later became Enlightened, born 2,500 years ago in Northern India.

However, the present world system is not the first; there were other world systems before, and Enlightened beings lived in them as well, passing on their knowledge. In this broader sense, the non-dogmatic Inner Path tradition can be traced back to beginningless times, to a primordial knowledge that is timeless and transcends the concepts of space and time. The non-dogmatic Inner Path tradition is passed down through generations in a living lineage and has slowly evolved into a lush, vast tree, reaching us. Its branches now spread all over the world.

The Living Lineage Has its own Internal Spiritual Power

Living in the Now – Connecting the Past and the Present

Respect for Ancestors – Living in the “now”

We Live on This Earth, the Real Earth

The Tradition of Wisdom and Gentleness in Warriorhood